Watch the video below to get an idea…
Prayer week at HRBC will be between Wednesday 7th and Sunday 11th January. As part of this, we’ll be praying continuously for 24 hours, from 11am on Saturday 10th to 11am on Sunday 11th January.
Unlike last year, when we had a room set aside in the church, we’ll be praying at home (or wherever else you want!), so set aside some time, sign up for your hour and get praying!
There will be a prayer guide available to prompt and help you through an hour of prayer.
.. not sign up with a friend, those you serve alongside or with your children?
Sign up online here (it’s easy to create a log-in ID) or you can use the sign-up sheet that will be in the foyer.
We not only want to see every hour filled, but as many people praying in each hour too.