Pienaar or Marshall at 9? Marshall at 9, Pienaar at 10? Two of the most debated questions in Ulster rugby circles at the minute, how would you answer?
This Sunday night, both players will be at Free For All at HRBC, to tell us what they think as well as to answer a few more questions, including ‘Why do I need God when I’ve got everything?’
We’d love you to come along and hear what they have to say, and then stay around after for some (soft) drinks and nibbles afterwards.
The rest of the evening will include snippets from Maccers, ‘The Secret Room’ band leading worship and Johnny Mac will be rounding the night off by answering the question ‘Why do I love sin?’
If you would like to pose a question to either player please text it to 07860022850
It’s a relaxed evening, kicking off at 6:30, running for about an hour, followed by drinks and mexican nibbles, wrapping up around 9pm.
I’d love to see you there, get in touch if you want a lift or would like more details.