A quick update from Philip and Rachel Moore
- Lord, teach us to pray ! Pray that prayer becomes more and more central at every level of church life.
- Lord, we believe, help our unbelief ! Pray that we would respond with faith to our God and to his promises in his word, particularly in the twin areas of the impact of the good news on the hearts of those who don’t yet believe and its impact for holiness and godliness on the hearts of those who do believe.
- Let love be sincere ! As we love each other practically in church, in the small groups, in our neighbourhoods, may the love that we have be from the heart and visible.
- Please pray along these line in respect of : the upcoming series of evangelistic evenings ‘A la bonne franquette‘ ; the programme of regular pastoral visits, which becomes more demanding as the number of people attending grows ; the small groups, which are beginning to pick up speed, with a particular mention for the Conches group ; the Val d’Europe project, which is bursting with potential ; the regular teaching of God’s word in Genesis on Sunday mornings ; the expanding pastoral team at the church… So many things to bring to God ‘with thanksgiving and supplication’ … thank you for joining us in that.