This weekend we have the opportunity to give thanks for the new building that God has blessed us with through some very special services. Please plan to come along and join with us to celebrate all that we have that comes from above. Further details of the services is outlined below for your information:
Saturday 11 January – 2:30pm
Civic Ceremony
Here we will officially open our new building before our members, Christian partners in Northern Ireland and dignitaries from our community. Jonathan Rea and friends from New Irish Arts will be leading the worship with some of our own musicians. Hadden Wilson will be speaking at this ceremony and other representatives will bring greetings. There will be delicious cream scones and traybakes to follow with an opportunity for further fellowship. There will be no crèche facility at this service.
Sunday 12 January – 11am
Communion Service
Our Sunday morning service will be a short, one hour service where we can hear God’s Word from Hadden Wilson and take communion together. Crèche and Sunday School will be available as usual.
Sunday 12 January – 4:30pm
Celebration Service
On Sunday evening we will gather together as a church family and friends and enjoy a time of celebration with songs and prayers, our Church Choir singing, a video of the redevelopment and Hadden Wilson speaking to us. We will enjoy a warm finger buffet and traybakes with freshly brewed tea and coffee afterwards. A crèche will be available for children aged 0-3 so please come along with your family and participate in this special celebration with us.