
‘Sixth’ is a new venture for 6th Years (Years 13 and 14) to meet after school 3:30 – 5:00 for coffee and treats, alongside bible study.  For the first semester we are going to be reading a book called Growing Up Christian.

Here’s how the author describes the book “Many teens are active in church youth programs, yet drop out of church later in life and never return. Other young adults rest on the merits of their parents’ faith without ever experiencing their own relationship with Jesus Christ. In Growing Up Christian, I seek to help teenagers who have grown up in the church by reminding them of the many blessings of growing up in a Christian home, warning them of some of the dangers they face, providing practical suggestions for avoiding these dangers, and urging them to think and live in a way that pleases God.”

It’s going to be a great time together, and it’s open to everyone in sixth year.

We have not confirmed which day it will be held on yet, but please let Keith know if you’re interested, via the contact us page or on his mobile.

For more on the book see the Growing Up Christian website