Please continue to pray for wisdom as I start to contact the Cruise ship companies that we will get the necessary permission from their head office and also from the Captains to visit their crews in Belfast this summer. We are expecting 57/59 Cruise ships this year and the first Cruise ship arrives in April.
Please pray for the necessary finance required for all the literature for these visits as I need to have the finance in place before ordering any literature.
Please pray for wisdom and patience as we try and co-ordinate the visits with the Mission to Seafarers in Belfast, after there were some problems last year.
Please pray for the Society as a whole because the future is still uncertain due to the financial difficulties they find themselves in.
Please pray for Pauline and I as we seek confirmation from the Council regarding our future with the Society as there is a possibility the Society may have to close. Pray that the Lord will keep my desire for the work alive and it will not diminish during these difficult times not knowing what the future holds.
Please remember our own health concerns.
Pauline has a slipped disc in her back which is still causing problems. She is planning a phased return to work in March as the Reading Unit is closing at Easter and then she will be travelling on Outreach to different schools in the new term. Please pray that the driving doesn’t cause too much pain.
Continue to pray for myself as I wait to see the consultant in April as to whether the medication I am receiving for my asthma is correct and that I can return to visiting ships on a full time basis.
Please remember Grace as she applies to Universities to continue her studies and pray for Daniel as he seeks further employment in schools coaching basketball.
We want to thank the church family for their interest in us as a family and in the work among the Seafarers. This is a real blessing to us.
Sam and Pauline Cowan SCFS Belfast
Click here for a list of Cruise ships visiting Belfast – please pray for permission to be granted to visit them.